Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014 (day 118)

Hey there!!! This week flew by! I feel like it was just barely Monday. Anyway, I needed a day of rest because I am exhausted. This is what I did this week:

Monday after emailing we went and made some pancakes in the apartment. We`re getting some good use out of our new oven. We visited a few people, or tried to. Nobody ever follows through with the appointments we have with them. When we got back in the night I cut Elder Brown´s hair. Haha it was really long. I hope his new haircut looks ok. 

Tuesday: We did some service in the morning. We tried to seal a lady´s roof with tar. That was fun. We spent a really long time trying to wash the tar off our hands haha. I then went on an interchange with our district leader. We walked a ton and knocked a lot of doors. We gave it a really good effort, but didn´t see much success.

Wednesday: We had a bunch of appointments that all fell through, so we visited tons of less active members which was really good. Then we had English class which was pretty fun. I`m not sure I´m a very good teacher but it was exciting. We have one guy that comes and he loves english so much its kinda ridiculous haha. But he is going to bring 5 of his friends next time, so we are going to have a pretty good size class.

Thursday: We worked like crazy. We knocked a bunch of doors and made tons of visits. We met a lady named Laticia who we talked to for a little and gave her a Book of Mormon. It was really cool to talk to her. She said that she was going through some really hard times in her life a few years back and she was in the street one day frantically running because she was so upset and she was thinking about taking her life. She ran by an LDS church and somebody stopped her and took her in the church to talk to her and calm her down. She said that that person literally saved her life. I know that God places his children in the right places at right times to help other people. I also know it wasn´t a coincidence that we knocked on this lady´s door. I love seeing the Lord work through his children! So that was a really cool experience. We didn´t have much more success that day, but we ended the day nicely by throwing some brownies in the oven. We make lots of brownies. We are starting to become famous for them in the ward.

Friday and Saturday we just worked really hard and walked tons and tons and tons. And I loved it :) But still we did not really get into any houses which was a little disappointing. We tried to invite lots of people to church on Sunday. And lots of people said they would come!

Sunday: Nobody came to church. Haha surprise! It is a little frustrating when people say they will come but they don´t. We are pretty used to it though. People don´t know what they are missing!

We walked tons and tons and tons after church. Like maybe even more than usual. We ended the day completely exhausted. It was crazy that the week was already over. 

This morning we made more german pancakes for breakfast. This time with new eggs. So far our tummies are still holding up just great! We went to Walmart and walked around down town a little bit. So far a really good day! I also finished the Libro de Mormón today!! That was great!! I found a scripture that I really liked in the end. Moroni 8:3 ( I am mindful of you always in my prayers, continually praying unto God the Father in the name of his Holy Child, Jesus, that he, through his infinite goodness and grace, will keep you through the endurance of faith on his name to the end.)  It reminded me of everyone at home :) I invite you all to read it!!

Anyway, thats basically how my week went!! I love you all tons!!! Have a good week!

Elder Marchant

p.s. Oh and maybe if you want to race me with reading the Book of Mormon, I will be starting over tomorrow and reading it in 3 months! Good luck if you are up for the challenge!!

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